Show Notes

Danielle and I talk about new lock downs in Canada, new restrictions happening across the US, the challenges dealing with conflicting news reporting about COVID and updating your company HR policies to comply with the changing environment.

If you have suggestions after listening how you and your company are dealing with the fast changing enviroment please write in to: B at BrandonCWhite dot com


Links from the show:

About the EDGE's Friday Show Every Friday Danielle Jenkins, founder of Domestic Divas, and I talk shop over coffee. Danielle and I each run businesses doing millions in revenue each year. We grab a coffee and pull back the curtain on our businesses. We talk about what's working, what's not, what software and systems we use, sales and marketing, our own wellness and other challenges and solutions we've discovered running a business. 

It's a casual, honest conversation that you'll walk away with some things you can use to run and build your business.



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