Show Notes
How do you go from working with laser diffraction in a lab to getting a marketing job at a tech start up in Silicon Valley?
How do you go from running email and web marketing campaigns to becoming a product manager?
How do you go from product manager to becoming an Entrepreneur, CEO of a tech start-up and raising over $1million in your first effort?
You need to tune into Amelia's story, be inspired, learn the secrets and make it happen for you!
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Also In Season 1
0 to 1: Step by Step Formula to Turn Your Idea into a Company with Thomas Lundgard Co-Founder of Midday Superfoods
0 to 1: Step by Step Formula to Turn Your Idea into a Company with Thomas Lundga -
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Best Drinking Water on World Water Day with Taylor O’Neil CEO of Richard’s Rainwater
How I’m Using My Roots to Help Others Ease Their Pain with Dr. Brigitte Rozenburg - Chiropractor and Founder of Mineralgia | Ep. 235
Dr. Rozenberg is a renowned Chiropractor. Learn tips on pain relief and how Dr.