Show Notes
Part 7 of How to Write Your Business Plan where I give you the method to figure out how big your market opportunity is for your business.
This is where it starts to get exciting because we're talking about how many potential customers we have which will later tell us how much money we can make💲
You've given your elevator pitch, set up the problem your product addresses, given a solution, talked about your product, now it's time to talk about the size of your market and how you're going to attack it. I explain exactly how to approach it and what one big mistake to avoid💥
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Also In Season 1
0 to 1: Step by Step Formula to Turn Your Idea into a Company with Thomas Lundgard Co-Founder of Midday Superfoods
Zero to 1: Step by Step Formula to Turn Your Idea into a Company with Thomas Lundgard Co-Founder of Midday Superfoods
Thomas dropped into our studio and gives the step-by-step on how he and his co-f -
Sauna Benefits
Best Drinking Water on World Water Day with Taylor O’Neil CEO of Richard’s Rainwater