Show Notes
Thomas entered a business plan competition in college, won it and used his business plan and $5,000 in prize money to launch VNTR surfing clothing company and later Tommy Tsunami Surfing School with his brother Peter. Thomas shares how he came up with the idea for his companies, how he learned to make and design clothing, a bunch of mistakes he made launching his company and how he has adjusted and fixed those mistakes to grow his business.
We also talk a little bit about big wave surfing which led him to follow his passion and build his two companies. You'll be stoked after listening to this episode ?
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About the Show You are listening to an epsiode from Season 1 where the show was Build a Business Success Secrets.
Starting in Season 2 we changed our name to EDGE to better reflect what we do on the podcast, giving business owners the edge to beat their competition. Read the show description for full details and we hope you enjoy the shows. EPISODE LINKS:
On Instagram: @TommyTsunamiSurfSchool @VNTRApparel
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