Show Notes
This week is Part 2 where we talk about what software we use to run our businesses and some of the challenges and solutions we've found. Every Friday Danielle Jenkins, founder of Domestic Divas, and I do a live show called Coffee with Danielle at 8am PST, 11am EST on YouTube and talk all things about running a business. Danielle and I each run businesses doing millions in revenue each year. We grab a coffee and pull back the curtain on our businesses. We talk about what's working, what's not, what software and systems we use, sales and marketing strategies, our own wellness and other challenges and solutions we've discovered. Drop in live on Fridays on the EDGE's YouTube channel, ask questions and join the conversation via chat or grab our recorded conversations on Fridays.
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Also In Season 1
0 to 1: Step by Step Formula to Turn Your Idea into a Company with Thomas Lundgard Co-Founder of Midday Superfoods
0 to 1: Step by Step Formula to Turn Your Idea into a Company with Thomas Lundga -
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